The winery’s most popular event – and there’s no wonder why:
* 5 fresh Sangrias!
* Live jazz music by Patricia Dalton & the Jazz Colleagues!
* Mexican food from The Taste Box!
* Homemade cheesecakes!
* Henna Tattoos!
* Tarot Card Readings!
* Glittery face painting!
Check our website for more details. Bring a chair and enjoy a great day at the winery! Absolutely no outside food or drink allowed (thank you).
Hudson-Chatham Winery * 1900 Route 66, Ghent NY
518-392-WINE * www.hudsonchathamwinery.com
Open Year-Round Wednesdays thru Sundays 12 to 5
Like Us on Facebook and Instagram
Saturday, August 12, 11 am – 6 pm, is the 10th anniversary of the winery’s signature event – its Sangria Festival. To mark the special occasion, the Festival is planned to be better than ever. Yes, there will be the 5 fresh-made sangrias, henna tattoos, and tarot card readings as in years past, but this year there is also LIVE JAZZ all day with Patricia Dalton and the Jazz Colleagues, and Mexican food from The Taste Box.
The Jazz Colleagues will have two trios playing throughout the day. The six musicians who’ll be sharing the stage – including vocalist Patricia Dalton – are internationally recognized performers will have festival goers grooving to their great jazz music. And if that’s not enough, the food this year is from The Taste Box in Chatham, NY, where chef Chris Morales puts together some of the best Mexican food in the upper Hudson Valley.
And there’s more! Lisa from ABOUT/Face body and face painting will be at the winery with her palette of paints and sparkles to transform festival goers with glamorous glitter, and there will be fresh-made and delicious mini cheesecakes, too.
And there’s the sangria, of course! Our sangrias are made fresh with lots of fruit. With 5 to try and choose from, you can’t go wrong. As always, there’s no admission fee. Costs are depending on what you want: $15 to try the sangrias; $8/glass of sangria; wine-tasting fee in the tasting room; and other prices are by individual vendor. Hours are 11 am to 6 pm. Absolutely no outside food or beverages are permitted. Bring lawn chairs or blankets to sit on.
The winery is located at 1900 State Route 66 in Ghent, NY. For more information, visit the website at www.hudsonchathamwinery.com, or call 518-392-WINE.
The Hudson-Chatham Winery is Columbia County’s first winery and one of the county’s first craft beverage venues. Voted Columbia County’s Best Local Winery in 2017’s and a “Best Local Wine/Winery” by Capital Region Living magazine.The winery is also a founding member of the Hudson Berkshire Beverage Trail.