August 2, 2010
To: Listings/Critics/Features
From: Jazz Promo Services
Press Contact: Jim Eigo,
at Iridium
1650 Broadway @ 51st Street
Tuesday, August 10
Sets at 8:00 and 10:00 P.M.
Tickets $25
"…superb…a joy! [This] music is highly original and a work of truly inspired genius!
Everything about it including the playing and the orchestration is wonderful… The
public needs to hear this music." – Mike Longo Featuring Jan Leder & Jeff Schiller, flutes
Danny Walsh, soprano sax
Pablo Castanho, alto sax
Johnny Lippiett, tenor sax
Bob Mover, guest saxophone soloist
Walter Szymanski, Mark McGowan, trumpets
Mike Fahn, Lolly Bienenfeld, trombones
Mark McCarron, guitar
Alan Rosenthal, piano
Ralph Hamperian, bass
Art Lillard, drums
Todd Isler, percussion
Mary Foster Conklin, Andrea Wolper, Alan Esses, vocals
From: Jazz Promo Services
Press Contact: Jim Eigo,
at Iridium
1650 Broadway @ 51st Street
Tuesday, August 10
Sets at 8:00 and 10:00 P.M.
Tickets $25
"…superb…a joy! [This] music is highly original and a work of truly inspired genius!
Everything about it including the playing and the orchestration is wonderful… The
public needs to hear this music." – Mike Longo Featuring Jan Leder & Jeff Schiller, flutes
Danny Walsh, soprano sax
Pablo Castanho, alto sax
Johnny Lippiett, tenor sax
Bob Mover, guest saxophone soloist
Walter Szymanski, Mark McGowan, trumpets
Mike Fahn, Lolly Bienenfeld, trombones
Mark McCarron, guitar
Alan Rosenthal, piano
Ralph Hamperian, bass
Art Lillard, drums
Todd Isler, percussion
Mary Foster Conklin, Andrea Wolper, Alan Esses, vocals