In his new show, Bob Merrill captures the spirit of the greatest horn legends in jazz, beginning with pioneers Louis Armstrong and Bix Beiderbecke through swing era stylists Bunny Berigan, Harry James, and Roy “Little Jazz” Eldridge. Bebop innovators Dizzy Gillespie and Miles Davis are followed by post-Bop masters Chet Baker, Lee Morgan, and Freddie Hubbard, then Merrill closes with Louis Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful World.” This engaging tribute includes historical details, anecdotes and even one of Gillespie’s upturned-bell trumpets.
Celebrating the Trumpet Kings debuted at the Kravis Center in January 2018. The show’s next performance will be May 10, 2018 at The Jazz Loft in Stony Brook, NY. Click here to purchase tickets now!