CBS National Television appearance: Brian Q. Torff and New Duke
CBS National Television appearance: Brian Q. Torff and New Duke
Brian Q. Torff and New Duke
Brian Q. Torff and New Duke CBS National Television Christmas Eve with Fairfield University Sunday, December 24, 2017
11:35pm on CBS!
Brian Q. Torff and New Duke in their first national broadcast on CBS Television, featuring original songs: Christmas in Our Town, Encore!, Peace on Earth, Mary Lou Has Come to Play and Soulful Sarah.
Christmas Eve with Fairfield University
Featuring, Brian Torff, Darryl Tookes, Steve Moran, John Fumasoli, Rick Sadlon, Jamie Finegan, Dave Childs, Greg Burrows and Jarryd Torff.
On CBS Television
Starting at 11:35pm on Sunday, December 24th, 2017 60 minutes
Thanks so much for your help in getting the word out about Tuesday’s presentation with Nate Chinen and Steve Smith. We had 115 attendees, which is the most ever! We ended up moving the event to the sanctuary. They did a great job.