From: Jazz Promo Services
First Tuesdays
Free Monthly Professional Development Seminars for Ensembles and Presenters
Mission, Money & Models:
When to Lead and When to Follow in Changing Times
With Adrian Ellis, Executive Director, Jazz at Lincoln Center
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
3:00-5:00 p.m.
Saint Peter’s Church
619 Lexington Avenue at 54th Street
New York, NY
Free Admission. R.S.V.P. required
Contact: Caitlin Murphy, program assistant
(212) 242-2022, ext. 16
In the last decade, almost every aspect of the musician’s world—from the transformation of the recording industry to the general economic climate affecting the arts—has changed fundamentally. Adrian Ellis will share his perspective on the new relationship connecting artist, arts organizations, and the community—and discuss what the artist needs to know to adapt and lead.
Adrian Ellis is the executive director of Jazz at Lincoln Center. He was the founding president of AEA consulting, a company that specializes in strategic, operational, and facilities planning for the arts, with clients including the National Gallery (London) and the New York City Opera. He has written and lectured extensively on issues affecting the cultural sector and writes a column for The Art Newspaper.
First Tuesdays is a project of Midtown Arts Common, Saint Peter’s Church, and CMA.