Specializing in Media Campaigns for the Music Community, Artists, Labels, Venues and Events

Dom Minasi ABC No Rio Sun. June 5th/Vision Fest June 11th/University of the Streets June 15th & More

May 31, 2011

To: Listings/Critics/Features

From: Jazz Promo Services

Press Contact: Jim Eigo, jazzpromo@earthlink.net


CDM News

Sunday June 5  7PM
Blaise Siwula-Dom Minasi


ABC No Rio The COMA Series
156 Rivington St. NYC 10002
212 254 3697

Saturday June 11th  9:45 PM
The Vision Festival
Remi Alverez -Tenor & Soprano Saxophones , Dom Minasi-Guitar, Ken Filiano-Bass, Michael T A Thompson-Drums
Abrons Arts Center Downstairs
466 Grand Street
New York, NY 10002

Wednesday June 15th 10pm
The Dom Minasi Sextet
Dom Minasi –guitar, Blaise Siwula- alto, Ras Moshe-tenor, Matt Lavelle-trumpet, 
Albey Balgochian-bass, Jay Rosen drums
The University of the Streets 
130 East 7th St. NYC  212 254-9300
Tickets: $10

Saturday June 25th  12pm 
Blaise Siwula-Dom Minasi & Andy Oneill-drums
Terence Cardinal Cooke-Cathedral
560 Lexington Avenue, Manhattan, NY 
at east 50th Free 

Stay Up-To-Date.
http://soundcloud.com/you/tracks ( new tracks added every few weeks )

Original Music, Jazz Tunes, Vocals, Bossa Nova’s Country, Christmas Songs

Online teaching

Dom Minasi’s  New Blog


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