Proto-Cosmos, led by guitarist/composer
Jonathan Heagle, seeks new worlds in sound. Featuring the powerful finesse of Tiago Michelin on drums, the lyrical funk of Lavondo Thomas on bass, and the elegant flash of Julia Chen on keyboards, Proto-Cosmos travels freely from the celestial harmony of the Pleaides, to the down-and-dirty funk of rush hour in New York. "Jazz," "Funk," and "Free" musics meet and hit it off famously. It's a trip!
Formed in spring of 2018 by Matt Panayides Field Theory has been performing new music throughout NYC in venues such as the 55 bar, Cornelia Street Cafe, Nublu and ShapeShifter Lab. With Matt Vashlishan on wind synth, Matt Panayides on guitar, Bob Sabin on bass and Mark Ferber on drums the band explores the sonic textures of space in time mapping it onto the present moment. The compositions and electrified guitar tone blends with the mind-bending virtuosity of the EWI and is propelled forward by this rhythmic powerhouse: the music is alive. They are especially happy to be joined by the great tenor saxophonist Rich Perry, who has been a large part of Panayides' previous projects and recording.