Harry Warren was my great uncle on my father’s side of the family. My great grandparents were Leon Charles Munro and his wife, Mamie (or Mae as my grandfather called her). Mae’s maiden name was Guaragna. Her parents where Antonio and Rachel Deluca Guaragna. They changed their last name to Warren after coming to America. Harry was one of Mae’s brothers. I never got the chance to meet Harry in person but my grandfather often talked about him. I knew I wanted to do a project celebrating his music.
Harry Warren was the rst major American song composer to write primarily for lm. Every song on this CD is from a movie (except for the two songs I wrote). All of this music (except Nagasaki 1928) is from the 1930’s and 40’s. The songs are arranged in the hot swing style made popular by the great guitarist Django Reinhardt with violinist Stephane Grappelli and the Hot Club de Paris. The main body of work from Django Reinhardt is from the same time period. It was an easy marriage of styles taken from the same point in history on two di erent continents.
The scope of this project was a bit daunting, it took almost 3 years to re ne the concept, pick the songs, write the arrangements and record/ lm the music. The music was recorded live in four sessions with four di erent groups. We recorded a lot of songs, of which 16 are presented here.
Label: Got Music Records (GMR-1004)
Artist Website: www.dougmunro.com
Release Date: MARCH 1, 2017
UPC Code: 888295541978
Track listing:
1. Lullaby Of Broadway 3:33 Harry Warren/Al Dubin
2.(I’veGotAGalIn)Kalamazoo 2:44 Harry Warren/MackGordon
3. Serenade In Blue 6:06 Harry Warren/ Mack Gordon
4. Nagasaki 3:38 Harry Warren/Mort Dixon
5.JeepersCreepers 3:17 HarryWarren/JohnnyMercer
6. I Only Have Eyes For You 4:36 Harry Warren/Al Dubin
7. ChattanoogaChooChoo 4:29 Harry Warren/MackGordon
8. The More I See You 6:09 Harry Warren/Mack Gordon
9. September In The Rain 4:55 Harry Warren/Al Dubin
10.BluesForHarry 3:29 Doug Munro
11. Forty Second Street 3:55 Harry Warren/Al Dubin
12. We’re In The Money 2:43 Harry Warren/Al Dubin
13. Boulevard of Broken Dreams 4:04 Harry Warren/Al Dubin
14.You Again 3:16 Doug Munro
15. You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby 2:36 Harry Warren/Johnny Mercer
16. At Last 6:58 Harry Warren/Mack Gordon
SESSION NOTES: Session #1 June 17, 2016
Musicians: Howard Alden- guitar, Vinny Raniolo- guitar, Doug Munro- guitar, Matt Dwonszyk-bass
Songs: Serenade In Blue, Lullaby Of Broadway, Nagasaki (without Howard Alden)
Session #2 July 5, 2016
Musicians: Vic Juris- guitar, Vinny Raniolo- guitar, Doug Munro- guitar, Michael Goetz- bass, Andrei Matorin- violin
Songs with Vic Juris: The More I See You, September In the Rain, Songs with Andrei Matorin: Chatanooga Choo Choo, Jeepers Creepers, I Only Have Eyes For You
Session #3 August 10, 2016
Musicians: Doug Munro- guitar, Ernesto Pugliese- guitar, Michael Goetz- bass, Howie Bujese-violin
Songs: Forty Second Street, You Again, At Last, I’ve Got A Gal In Kalamazoo
Session #4 August 24, 2016
Musicians: Vinny Raniolo- guitar, Ted Gottsegen- guitar, Doug Munro- guitar, Michael Goetz-bass
Songs: We’re In The Money, The Boulevard Of Broken Dreams, You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby, Blues For Harry
Recorded and mixed by: Adam Pietrykowski Mastered by: Peter Denenberg Videos and photos by: Simon O’Keefe Cover Design and layout by :Robert Mag