Jorge Hernaez is the principle contrabassist with the National Symphony de Cuyo in Mendoza and an active composer with his works being performed and recorded throughout South America. In addition, Jorge has a growing body of work as an instant composer, playing free improvisation. His works have been recorded on CIMP and Cadence Jazz Records in the USA, SLAM Productions (UK) and La Gorda Records and NoSeSo Records in Argentina.
David Bajda is composer, and guitarist in Mendoza, Argentina. Of Slovian decent, David's approach incorporates South American and Eastern European influences. He is a dynamic composer, active in South America and a superb classical guitarist. His works have been recorded by state composer associations.
David Haney studied composition for many years with Czech American composer Tomas Svoboda. He has been a member of The Society of Oregon composers and his works have been performed throughout North America. The following artists have worked with David on his projects: Roswell Rudd, Julian Priester, John Tchicai, Roy Campbell, Bud Shank, Wolter Weirbos, Johannes Bauer, Daniel Carter, Han Bennink, Andrew Cyrille, Billy Martin, Bernard Purdie, Marvin Bugulu Smith, Gerry Hemingway, Buell Neidlinger, Steve Swell, Dominic D