June 8, 2011
To: Listings/Critics/Features
From: Jazz Promo Services
Tonight’s opening act, JESSE GRESS with members of the Mahavishnu Project will perform the music of Jeff Beck and Jan Hammer.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Doors: 8:00 pm
Show: 9:00 pm
Tickets: $20 General Admission
THE MAHAVISHNU PROJECT: Gregg Bendian, drums / Glenn Alexander, guitar / Neil Alexander, keyboards / Jim Cammack, bass / Chern Hwei, electric violin / Melissa Stylianou, voice / Pete Furlan, saxophones / Jon Weber, violin / Will Hakim, viola / Leigh Stuart, cello
The Mahavishnu Project is the only jazz repertory ensemble of its kind to receive the endorsement of guitarist/composer John McLaughlin and ALL of the original members of The Mahavishu Orchestra. In fact, keyboardist Jan Hammer hired MahaProj to be his band for the night at MoogFest 2006 in NYC- his only US appearance in over 15 years.
The Mahavishnu Project typically presents “complete album evenings” such as “The Complete Birds of Fire” or “The Complete Inner Mounting Flame.” Of late the band is presenting a 35th anniversary concert of Mahavishnu’s “Visions of the Emerald Beyond”, known to fans and historians alike as the pinnacle of the 1970’s jazz fusion movement – boldly combining elements of jazz, rock, classical, Indian music and free-form sonic exploration. In 2008, The Mahavishnu Project released “Return to the Emerald Beyond” on Cuneiform Records. It is a reverent re-imagining of the entire original Emerald Beyond music from start to finish and includes encores from “Birds of Fire” and “Inner Mounting Flame.”“Just a little note of appreciation for what you are bringing back to life. This musical period was the beginning of finding my own way in music, and to hear you guys playing those tunes in such an unbelievable way is quite amazing. Great job!! Keep up the good work.”
-John McLaughlin
JESSE GRESS with members of the Mahavishnu Project will be performing the music of Jeff Beck and Jan Hammer.