Sunday June 25
djembe, piano, drums


7:30 doors open, soup is on (get it while it lasts)
8:00 music starts
292 Lefferts Ave. (b/n Nostrand & Rogers), Brooklyn
2/5 to Sterling St. B/Q to Prospect Park
BYOB (feel free to bring food or drink to share)
$20 suggested donation
Info 917.828.4951
MICHAEL WIMBERLY hails from Cleveland, Ohio and has recorded, performed, and toured with Charles Gayle, Jean Paul Bourelly, Steve Coleman, Paul Winter Consort, Parliament Funkadelic, the Boys Choir of Harlem, Daniel Schnyder, Borah Bergman, John Blum, Berlin’s Rundfunk Symphony Orchestra, Vienna's Tonkunstler Symphony Orchestra, Yakima Chamber Orchestra, Vernon Reid, David Murray, Kidd Jordan, Roy Campbell, Cooper-Moore, Sabir Mateen, Henry Rollins, Blondie, Mickey Hart, Teramasa Hino, Onaaje Alan Gumbs, Oluyemi & Ijeoma Thomas. Michael has composed music for dance companies Urban Bush Women, Joffrey Ballet, Alvin Ailey, Philadanco, Forces of Nature, Ailey II, Purelements, Complexions, Ballet Noir, and the National Song and Dance Company of Mozambique. Michael is currently a professor of music at Bennington College, VT.
PAUL HARDING Published works: Hot Mustard & Lay Me Down (En Theos Press, 2003); Excerpts of Lamentation & Evidence of Starlite (Aurius Unlimited, 1993). Selected verse in Black Renaissance Noire (NYU), Transition 112 (DuBois Inst/Harvard), Obsidian: Literature & Arts in the African Diaspora, Konch, Coon Bidness, Berkeley Poetry Review, and various anthologies. Unpublished manuscripts in both the Gwendolyn Brooks Papers at the Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, and the Derek Walcott Collection at the Alma Jordan Library, University of West Indies. Awarded Philip Whalen Memorial Grant for poetry and Edith K. Draham Scholarship for fiction. ‘Spoken Music’ performed with legendary Charles Gayle, Ravi Coltrane, Joe Ford, Michael Bisio, and other renowned musicians. Former Earshot Jazz Board of Directors President, former Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle Education Director and founder of ULMS Children’s University. Currently teaches critical thinking, reading and writing in the Bronx.
LIEBOWITZ/LANE/DRURY TRIO The trio of pianist Carol Liebowitz, bassist Adam Lane, and drummer Andrew Drury may outwardly resemble the classic piano trio but it’s in fact a collective sonic endeavor where the members are constantly shifting and exchanging roles. Liebowitz and Lane have worked together for many years and both worked with the late, great Connie Crothers. Lane and Drury have played in several groups since they first met as college students in the mid-80s. This is this trio's second performance and this will be a live recording.
SOUP & SOUND is a program of Continuum Culture & Arts, Inc. a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that promotes the creation of innovative, world class music while supporting the people who create it and the culture that surrounds it. Our scope is local and international.