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Rebecca DuMaine and the Dave Miller Trio  “Chez Nous” KCSM interview 7/3 and Savanna Jazz 7/13

Rebecca DuMaine and the Dave Miller Trio  "Chez Nous" KCSM interview 7/3 and Savanna Jazz 7/13

Music in July!  KCSM Interview and Savanna Jazz

Listen in on July 3 @ 9am PST to KCSM.org  (91.1 FM for locals) 

We’ll be sitting down with Alisa Clancy and talking about the making of       Chez Nous and she will be playing a handful of tracks from the new album.  You can tune in from wherever you are!

Join us live on July 13 @ 8pm at Savanna Jazz 
 Two sets from 8-11pm – call (415) 624-4549 for reservations

 ~ visit www.rebeccadumaine for links to the new CD, latest reviews and our gig schedule ~
       We appreciate the support!  Dave and Rebecca

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250 East Creek Drive in Menlo Park, CA  94025

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