As costs and rents have skyrocketed we are launching a Go Fund Me campaign to help keep ARC alive. Thanks to the generous support of The Jaharis Family Foundation the first $50,000 raised will be matched dollar-for-dollar. We are also seeking other matching funds with a goal of $100,000.
All donors giving $50 or more are instant ARC Members and can shop early at our Summer Record Sale and attend our Member’s only party! Help if you can, enjoy the swell video we made just for you…
Read the latest story about this project in
Rolling Stone Magazine!
“It’s so important to preserve our music and have a place where it’s accessible, to go back and listen to old recordings and experience firsthand what life and the art form was like at that time. The ARChive is the only place that is saving our product” Nile Rodgers.
As you may know, the ARC is a not-for-profit archive, music library and research center located in New York City since 1985. We collect, preserve and provide information on the popular music of all cultures and races throughout the world. With more than three million recordings we are the largest popular music collection in America. We are also the first independent popular music collection, now in our 34th year of operation.
The value of ARC’s collection is not only in the rareness of many of our recordings, but in the breadth, size and organization of the collection. For every signed and unique copy of an early Rolling Stones LP, there are hundreds of relevant, formative, relatively unknown recordings that contributed to its creation, and thousands that benefit from its existence.
“[ARC is]…The future of music, inspired by the history of music” Craig Kallman, CEO Atlantic Record.
We preserve copies of each version of every recording, in all known formats. You can listen to 118,800+ 78rpm discs that we helped collect, and sample audio on a portion of our CD collection – 166,887 CDs . Anyone can borrow more than 3,000 of our music books online. You can see all we do on our website, www.arcmusic.org. Our passion for music from other cultures has led us to create a series of online and live events. To date these “music weeks” include explorations of the music of the Muslim world , Brazil , India , Cuba . Because of the breadth and quality of our holdings, ARC was chosen to supply scans of thousands of record covers for the opening of The Nesuhi Ertegun Jazz Hall of Fame at Lincoln Center in New York City and the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles, California.
“[ARC]… they have a real vision of where they want to go. They’re in it for the long haul.” Lou Reed in Newsweek Magazine (1987)
Our Independence is important to us. We operate without any City, State or Federal funds. We cherish the ability to work on projects of choice and free from restrictions or the dependence on governmental/taxpayer support. Our once affordable rent on White Street has skyrocketed to $21,000 a month, making it increasingly difficult for a pure research organization to survive in Lower Manhattan. Our home is in New York and we would love to stay here.
“In a country that has lost too much culture simply because no one has bothered to save it, there are a lot worse uses for money than a nondescriminatory music archive.” David Hinckley, New York Daily News.
Our simple goal is to guarantee that the world’s musical heritage is preserved for future generations to study and enjoy.
Video “From Rock House to Dream House, a few of the millions of recordings preserved by ARC.” by Brett Berman. Thanks to Virtual Label, LLC and the Mekons for the use of their song, “Memphis Egypt ”