The Institute of Jazz Studies and the Rutgers Newark Department of Arts Culture and Media are presenting a Research Roundtable entitled The Shape of Jazz to Come: The Linked Jazz research project, by Professor Cristina Patuelli from Pratt Institute School of Library Information Science. She is investigating ways to use linked open data to construct archival reference tools.
The Shape of [Linked] Jazz to Come
Linked Jazz is an innovative and evolving project that applies a new generation of web development technologies to digital collections of jazz history to reveal the network of relationships between jazz artists, ultimately enhancing visibility and access of cultural heritage content. Learn about new facets of the project that are pushing the boundaries of traditional access to archival materials and participate in a wide ranging discussion on current and future applications that support new forms of scholarship and engage new audiences in the development of our digital archives.
Cristina Pattuelli is the Director of the Linked Jazz project and serves as an associate professor at the School of Information and Library Science at Pratt Institute, New York. Her current work explores the intersection between cultural heritage and information access, description and design and she frequently consults with libraries, archives, and museums on similar and related projects. She received her Ph.D. in Information and Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and holds degrees in Philosophy, in Cultural Heritage Studies as well as in Archival Studies from the University of Bologna, Italy.
The presentation will take place on Wednesday, September 17, 2014 at 7:00 PM in the Dana Room of the John Cotton Dana Library, Rutgers-Newark. It is a free event and open to the public.
Vincent Pelote
Interim Director
Institute of Jazz Studies
Rutgers University
Dana Library
185 University Avenue
Newark, NJ 07102
phone: 973-353-5595
email: pelote@rulmail.rutgers.edu