Specializing in Media Campaigns for the Music Community, Artists, Labels, Venues and Events

Sarah Hayes Quartet featuring Jay Leonhart, John Colianni at RUE 57 8pm – 11:30pm

July 15, 2010

  To: Listings/Critics/Features
From: Jazz Promo Services
Press Contact: Jim Eigo,

60 West 57th Street (corner of Avenue of Americas)
New York, NY 10019-3953
(212) 307-5656
No music charge. $15 minimum at tables.

Music is from 8pm – 11:30pm.

Thursday, July 22nd – Sarah Hayes Quartet featuring Jay Leonhart, John Colianni

“Her song stylings exude personality and it’s no wonder. This girl has charisma to spare. And with her innocent and unintentional naivet, she wins the hearts of all who experience her performance."
— Michael Andrew, Performer and Broadway Producer (The Nutty Professor)

UPCOMING Music Calendar

July 29 Joe Magnarelli, Ian Macdonald, Rudy Petschauer, Joe Cohn, Jerry Weldon
August 5 Patience Higgins, Ian Macdonald, Victor Lewis, Joe Cohn
August 12 Craig Handy, Paul Gill, Victor Lewis, Joe Cohn
August 19 Wallace Roney Quintet
Wallace Roney – Leader, Trumpet, Antoine Roney – Tenor, Soprano Saxophones, Rashaan Carter – Bass
Aruan Ortiz – Keyboards, Kush Abadey – Drums
August 26 – Go Trio! featuring Mike Rodriguez (Trumpet)
Sean Gough – keyboard, Gene Perla – bass, Paul Wells – drums


Media Contact
Jim Eigo Jazz Promo Services
269 S Route 94 Warwick, NY 10990
T: 845-986-1677 / F: 845-986-1699
"Specializing in Media Campaigns for the music community, artists, labels, venues and events.”


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