Today I picked up this Prestige LP Shirley Scott – Drag 'Em Out at local thrift shop:

It’s on Youtube
An interesting comment posted there:
Arthur Elliott 4 years ago
Jazz is the best Education you will ever receive as long as you go to all your classes! Major Holley was the Club owner in my neighborhood of "The Baltic Lounge" near "The Gowanus Houses" and, My Mom was its professional "Bar Maid", at the club, Cynthia! Boo
I know that The Gowanus Houses are in Brooklyn and that Baltic Street runs right through there so I’m assuming this is where Major Holley got the name for his club.
So the question is does anybody know anything about this club?
Inquiring minds would like to know.
Jim Eigo
Jazz Promo Services
272 State Route 94 South #1
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